In a devastating incident, Perry, Iowa, faced a harrowing situation as multiple individuals were shot at the local high school on the first day back from winter break. Two victims were rushed to Iowa Methodist Medical Center, and the suspected shooter was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The shooting, occurring before the school day began, saw minimal students and faculty present at Perry High School. The tragedy unfolded amidst the Iowa caucuses, with Republican candidates campaigning nearby.
Law enforcement responded promptly to an active shooter report at 7:37 a.m., discovering multiple injured individuals. UnityPoint Health confirmed the two gunshot victims’ arrival at the Des Moines hospital.
Zander Shelley, a 15-year-old student, narrowly escaped harm, while Rachael Kares, an 18-year-old senior, described the panic during jazz band practice. Parents anxiously awaited news, with Erica Jolliff searching for her son Amir and others desperate for information about their loved ones.
FBI agents from the Omaha-Des Moines office joined the investigation, led by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. Despite speculative numbers circulating, Perry’s mayor, Dirk Cavanaugh, emphasized the lack of confirmed details.
The Perry Community School District, encompassing 1,785 students, now grapples with this tragic event. Perry, known for its diverse population, faces a challenging time, with 31% of residents being Hispanic.
As the community reels from the shock, questions linger about the circumstances and the impact on students, families, and the town as a whole. The Perry School Board and Superintendent Clark Wicks are yet to provide official statements on the incident. The town, resilient but shaken, faces a long road to recovery.
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