Yoga- When And Where Its Origin And How To Meditate?

In the Modern Era, people are more stressed, and tired even if they lost their focus and concentration, to tackle these problems you need something that is more effective, accurate and, tested. Yoga is the most trusted, accurate, and effective tool to remove anxiety, stress, depression, and tension from your life.

Yoga is an ancient science that originated in India, sages use this science to heal their body, and mind and to balance and activate their energy and chakras. Mainly there are 7chakras i.e. Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus chakra, Heart chakra, throat chakra, Third eye chakra, and crown chakra. We can talk about these chakras in detail in some other articles.

Maharishi Patanjali describes 8 limbs (steps) of yoga in Patanjali’s Ashtanga yoga which is mainly focused on the body, mind, and soul. 8 limbs or steps in Astanga yoga are Yama ( Duty or Observance), Niyam( Developing the Nobel qualities), Ashan(posture), Pranayam(Aligning the breath and energy), Pratyahara(sense withdrawal), Dharna(Aligning thoughts inside), Dhyan (Meditation), Samadhi (Pure State of mental concentration). Yoga has the power to cure various kinds of diseases and improve the quality of life, mentally and physically that,s why International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June every year.

What is the History of Yoga?

Yoga is 15000-year-old Science that originated in India. According to ancient history (mythology), it is believed that yoga comes into existence with the lord Shiva also known as Adiyogi in the yogic culture is the first yogi who start practicing yoga and gives his teachings to the seven sages also known as Saptrishi. And to spread this divine knowledge to other people, He sends all the seven sages in seven directions to teach yoga to others.

Slowly it Spreads all over the world, the exactly nobody knows when its origin is but it assumes that its origin was around 15000 years ago approximately.

But according to Rig Veda yoga started 5000 years ago in the Vedic period. Rig Veda is a book that consists of mantras, sutras, songs, and rituals that are used by brahmins (priests) this is the period when people start storing their knowledge in the leaves, and in Tambra Patra earlier to this period all the knowledge is given to students were oral.

The roots of yoga can be traced back over 5,000 years to ancient India, where it emerged as a comprehensive system for physical, mental, and spiritual development. The ancient sage Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras, which laid the groundwork for classical yoga, emphasizing the eight limbs of yoga, including moral principles, physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation.

Over time, yoga traveled beyond the Indian subcontinent, spreading to the West, where it underwent various adaptations and transformations. Today, yoga encompasses a diverse array of styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini, and many more. Each style offers unique benefits and approaches, catering to individual preferences and needs.

Why International yoga day is celebrated on 21 June?

On 27 September 2014, at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned that to spreading awareness about the yoga on people’s health June 21 is observed as yoga day. In the same year in December, United Nations General assemble announces that June 21 is observed as International Yoga Day.

Why Yoga Is Important?

We already discussed 8 limbs or steps of yoga i.e. Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahara Dharna Dhyan, and Samadhi. Practicing Yoga has various kinds of benefits Such as

  • It improves mental health
  • Treats Asthma by improving breathing
  • Cure diseases chronic in nature
  • Oxygen levels increase in the body
  • Improve Insomnia and other sleeping disorder
  • Improves Immunity of the body.
  • Increase concentration and focus
  • Remove anxiety and stress.
  • Brings clarity in the thoughts.
  • Makes you more flexible and minimizes the stiffness of the body.
  • Get rid of from back pain with the help of bhujang ashan or cobra pose.
  • Improves your heart health by improving blood circulation.

you will get all these benefits if you practice yoga regularly in the morning and if you have a time you can also try to do in the evening, just insure that you have clear stomach and in the evening you can do it after five hour of eating food.

Baba Ramdev extensively working on teaching yoga to masses and makes pranayama more popular in the all over world, Now you can find lot of people in every parks and home practicing yoga to attain better health and fitness.

Mainly pranayama is a breathing exercise which include brahastrika , kapalbhati and, anulom-vilom


To do brahstrika you just need to sit cross legged comfortably and extend and put your hand on the knee in Dhyana mudra and take a breath slowly in and out, concentrate on your breathing as you breath in and breath out repeat this process at least 5 to 15 minutes.


To do kapalbhati you need to sit comfortably cross legged position and put your hand on your knee in the Dhyana mudra or you can use any hasta mudra (hand gesture) as per your convenience and dosha. Focus on your breath in and out just make sure that when you breath out your stomach go inside repeat this process do it for at least 10 to 20 minutes.


To do Anulom Vilom you just need to sit cross legged in comfortable pose and put your left hand on your left knee in Dhyana mudra and right hand on the right nostril, slightly press the right nostril by thumb and take a breath in from left nostril and now slightly press left nostril by ring fingure and exahale from right nostril and, again breath in from right nostril do vice-versa. repeat this process at least 10 to 15minutes .

The Physical Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is renowned for its ability to enhance physical well-being. Through a combination of asanas, pranayama, and mindful movement, yoga cultivates strength, flexibility, and balance in the body. Regular practice helps improve posture, alleviate muscular tension, and enhance joint mobility. Furthermore, yoga stimulates blood circulation, boosts the immune system, and supports healthy organ function.

Beyond the physical realm, yoga nourishes the mind and soul, fostering mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall psychological well-being. By synchronizing breath with movement, yoga creates a meditative flow that calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety. Additionally, yoga enhances self-awareness and promotes mindfulness, allowing individuals to cultivate a deeper connection with their inner selves and the world around them.

Yoga as a Path to Inner Harmony

Yoga serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery, guiding individuals on a journey towards inner harmony and self-realization. It encourages introspection, self-reflection, and the development of a positive mindset. Through regular practice, individuals can learn to let go of negative patterns, cultivate self-compassion, and embrace a more balanced and harmonious way of life.

Moreover, yoga is not confined to the mat; it extends beyond physical postures. It encompasses ethical principles, such as kindness, truthfulness, and non-violence, that inspire individuals to live with integrity and empathy. The practice of yoga encourages individuals to embrace a holistic lifestyle, incorporating mindful eating, conscious choices, and nurturing relationships.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a process of focusing on your breath, thoughts, and mantra or any object to attain relaxation and calm state of mind that brings clarity in the thought process. In short meditation is feeling of ecstasy where you don’t have thoughts, you just have a feelings of ecstasy.

How to Meditate?

You can meditate in three ways:

1.Observing thought meditation

To meditate by observing thought meditation you need to sit comfortably in sukh ashan (cross legged) keep your hand on your knee in dhyan mudra or any other mudra, keep your back straight and close your eye, take a breath focus on your breath in and out slowly it comes to the normal and now thoughts start coming you dont try to stop these thought just observe it different types of thoughts comes in your mind you simply just observe it, and now times come when you don’t have any thoughts you feeling the ecstasy.

2.Focusing on the agya chakra (the point situated between the eyebrows)

To meditate with this method you need to sit crossed leg comfortably, keep your hand in Dhyana mudra with straight back and breath in and breath out and just focus on agya chakra breath normally.

3.Focus on the Sound of Mantra

This method is good for beginner’s as it easy to meditate with the help of sound of mantra’s. you just need to sit cross-legged , put your hand on your knee in Dhyana Mudra, keep your back straight and breath normally now you can chant a gaytri mantra or any other mantra or you can listen to the om sound or chant om as om is the sound of the universe and it vibrations gives superb feeling you feel relax and calm. you can listen the music given below for your meditation.

Om Chanting

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