DC Comics is taking Batman in a darker, more disturbing direction with the upcoming four-issue Black Label series “Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham.” The series, written by Rafael Grampá and illustrated by Rafael Albuquerque, promises to explore the darker side of the Batman character, as he faces off against a serial killer and an all-new rogues gallery.
The trailer for the series, which was released earlier this week, gives us a glimpse of what to expect. The trailer is set in Gotham City which is even darker and more dangerous than usual. Batman, who has abandoned his Bruce Wayne identity, prowls the streets as a gargoyle, hunting down criminals.
The trailer also hints at the presence of a new serial killer, who seems to be targeting people who are connected to Batman. As Batman investigates the murders, he begins to realize that the killer is targeting him personally.
“Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham” promises to be a dark and disturbing take on the character. The series is sure to appeal to fans who are looking for a more mature and violent Batman story.
The series is scheduled to be released in September 2023.
Here are some of the key points of the article:
- “Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham” is a four-issue Black Label series from DC Comics.
- The series is written by Rafael Grampá and illustrated by Rafael Albuquerque.
- The series explores the darker side of the Batman character.
- Batman faces off against a serial killer and an all-new rogues gallery.
- The series is scheduled to be released in September 2023.
- I hope you enjoyed this article!
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